Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Diet Phases in the South Beach Diet

The Diet Phases
The South Beach Diet plan is comprised of three phases. The first two weeks is covered by Phase One and excludes most carbohydrates, including all fruit, most dairy products, and most sources of saturated fat.

After that, Phase Two begins and lasts until the dieter has completed weight loss. Phase Three is only for maintenance of weight and carb consumption. It is only after the first phase that carbs are gradually added.

Read below for more in-depth view on each of the South Beach Diet phases:

South Beach Diet Phase One

As already mentioned, this phase is the most restrictive. You are to consume only foods that are low in saturated fats and almost no sources of carbohydrates. Not even fruits or grains or most dairy products.

Basically, your diet is restricted to the following foods for the first two weeks:

• Lean protein sources – e.g., eggs and egg whites, seafood, poultry with skin removed, lean cuts of beef and pork, soy foods

• Fat free and low fat dairy products, but limit yogurt/milk to two cups per day

• Beans (one serving)

• Low starch vegetables

• Small amount of nuts (count them)

• “good fats” (i.e., not saturated)

• low carb condiments and beverages

The purpose of the severe carb and saturated fat restrictions is to promote faster weight loss and do away with carb cravings. The goal is to change the body so that it can tolerate carbs better.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

All About the South Beach Diet

Low carb diet is all the rage these days. It pops up in parties, the gym, and virtually any get-together you go to. So just what is the buzz all about?

After years of following the traditional “heart-healthy” low fat, high carb diet regimen and believing that it would work to lose those few extra pounds, low carb diets like the South Beach Diet have overturned that decades-long belief. That’s the buzz.

In coming up with this new diet approach, Dr. Arthur Agatston, a cardiac physician, combines some of the basic elements of Atkins, Protein Power, and the Zone to form a simple, easy-to-follow diet plan.

The South Beach Diet was originally created for Dr. Agatston’s patients with the aim of improving their heart health. However, he noticed that as a side effect, his patients also lost significant amounts of weight.

In order to set itself apart from all the other low carb diets out there, the South Beach Diet is not so much about low carb or low fat but about focusing on the “right” carbs and the “right” fats.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Benefits of a Swimming Workout

If you are looking for a refreshing way to get in shape or stay in shape, a swimming workout may be what you need. Swimming is in fact an aerobic exercise that works the entire body. It tones your muscles and makes them stronger. Swimming also increases flexibility and enhances circulation. Obviously, it is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy weight and improve your body’s contour.

A definite advantage of a swimming workout is that fact that you will be exercising in a water environment. Water has unique properties that make a swimming workout the ideal exercise. First, water is buoyant, which is exactly why we float in it, and because it has very little gravity you are free of 90 percent of your body weight. This is why a swimming workout is low impact. With minimal stress to the joints, a swimming workout is suitable to those with overweight and joint problems.

Another quality of water is resistance, which is about 12 percent higher than air. This offers another benefit. A swimming workout is a powerful cardio exercise because the water’s resistance make you workout harder. You may feel like you are simple floating or moving in the water, but the truth is each body movement you make in water requires more energy so it is quite similar to working out with weights.

You can start with swimming laps and then vary your strokes so you work out different muscle groups. Doing vertical water exercises is also a very good variation to regular swimming, because you will be working with increased water resistance so your muscles will have to work twice as hard. Examples of these water or pool exercises are water walking and jogging, water yoga, water aerobics and many others.

There may be numerous exercises for you to choose from aside from a swimming workout but fitness experts agree that the secret to a successful workout is making sure you choose an activity that you enjoy and will keep on doing.

Aside from being a great form of exercise and sport, swimming also improves a person’s mental and emotional well being. You can enjoy swimming on your own or with family and friends. A swimming workout is good for the body no matter what age you are. Swimming benefits everyone from infants to older adults. A swimming workout offers a truly enjoyable way to staying lean and healthy throughout life.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Swimming exercises shape a better you

Sound mind and healthy body makes a person enjoy life and its daily rigors and activities. Nowadays, there are so many people hooked up in yoga practices, aerobics, gym sessions, physical trainings, etc. because they want to experience this state of physical-emotional-mental fitness and relaxation. For others, they prefer to jog around the area or do brisk walking at the park or swimming exercises, with one important objective in mind: to be in good physical shape --- bones, muscles, lungs, heart, and other organs.

Of all the training regimens, swimming exercises have been believed to be the best form, mainly because of the use of the entire body --- working the major muscle groups, requiring strong heart and lung discipline, and avoiding stress on the joints. With proper and regular swimming exercise, one would tone his upper body muscles, making it look better compared to the beefy muscular look of weight lifters. Even though the lower part of the body doesn’t exert much effort, it’s still a good form of exercise for those with leg or knee injuries, since the water cushions it and prevents it from being stressed. So, it would be advisable to have a set of “land exercises” to also mold the lower half of the body.

Some forms of exercise are designed for the toning of the upper half of the body, others are for the contouring of the lower half of the body, there are a few exercises for the shaping of the joints and bones, and some are for the cardiovascular benefits of your body. If one does a little of each, and continues doing it in a regular basis, he’ll soon realize that he’s giving himself a well-rounded build.

Although swimming exercises the whole body, thus considered, as a good and holistic form of work out, it’s important to note that it’s not that effective in weight loss, compared to running, jogging, or cycling. Reason being, swimming stimulates appetite, so the calories burned during the swimming exercise have been compensated with the increased intake. It just shows that swimming exercises may not be the best and perfect form of exercise, but it is a better alternative to not doing any exercise at all. As long as one sticks to the routine, and disciplines himself to control the urge to eat more after the swim, then surely, one would get the healthy and formed body he desires. Plus, if he adds a 15-30 minute walk in his daily schedule, he’ll definitely have the best exercise program to keep him in shape.

In exercise, either one’s doing aerobics training, weight lifting, sports, or swimming exercises, the most important thing that one has to bear in mind is to be consistent, disciplined, and iron willed, and everything else will follow.