Saturday, May 12, 2007

The eDiet Plan from

The purpose of The eDiet Plan is to help people lose unwanted pounds in a way that is most satisfactory to them.

Pros: The eDiet website sponsors many different weight loss programs including but not limited to the Suzanne Sommers Plan, The Atkins Diet, The Mayo Clinic Plan, etc. However eDiets also has a diet plan of their own and it is one that is based upon sound healthy living principles. The choices offered are many and varied and most people should be able to choose a plan that will be one that they can stick with for as long as it takes to lose their unwanted pounds and beyond.

Diet is a four letter word that most people try to keep from saying or even thinking. It is better to say that you are not on a diet but that you are learning to eat in a more healthful way. The eDiet Plan can help you achieve the healthier eating style and do it while you are still eating the foods that you really like and losing weight at the same time.

Cons: Dieters need to know what they are looking for before they get to the eDiet Website. There are too many choices.

Guarantee: There is no guarantee of success offered and none would apply.

Value for money: The eDiet Plan is a very good value.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

My medications for my illness cause weight gain. I look forward to perusing your blog for tips to stay slim. Thank you and take care!

Andrew in Alabama
The 4th Avenue Blues